
Iwi voice heard loud and clear as Hamilton City Council reopens the door to Maaori wards

Thursday, 15 April 2021

The tables have turned at a Hamilton City Council special hui today where Council voted to revoke their earlier decision (1 April) to turn down the option for Maaori wards at the next local govt. elections. Today’s vote will instead see Council begin a community engagement programme kicking off aapoopoo (16 April), running until 10 May.

Don’t forget to keep speaking up whaanau! In this process, every voice does matter! You can share your views on this kaupapa by going to: or email [email protected].

Community views will be provided to Councillors, with a final decision set to be made on 19 May. If Maaori wards are confirmed, there’s likely to be two Maaori wards in place for Kirikiriroa in time for the 2022 elections.

Te Arataura Chair, Linda Te Aho, did us all proud today with this oral submission. Linda was one of many hau kaainga and mana whenua submitters who spoke passionately and articulately on our behalf, and had this to say…