Te Kooraha

Taharoa Road Taharoa Te Kuiti Waikato 3988

Nestled in a hidden valley at Kaawhia harbour's southern end, Te Kooraha Marae is a sacred place of immense importance and ancestral ties to Ngaati Rangitaka and Ngaati Mahuta ki te Hauaauru. The marae embodies the rich heritage of the mana whenua, the people of the land, perpetuating a sacred essence where the wind purifies, black sands share genealogical stories, and the people embrace their role as guardians.

Ko Oorangiwhao te maunga, ko Te Kooraha me Mitiwai ngaa awa, ko Te Oohaakii te wharenui, ko Te Arohanui te wharekai, ko Tuuranga te tupuna, ko Te Tahaaroa aa-Ruapuutahanga te rohe, ko Ngaati Mahuta ki te Hauaauru me Ngaati Rangitaka ngaa hapuu, ko Waikato te iwi, paimaarire.